Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

Heels, anyone?

Oaaah sorry for the lateness bla bla bla. Well, this is the lamest long holiday. Nothing really special except I have to pretend this month is special in order to my words: "December is my all time favorite month". Duh!. I dont want to take those words backkkkkkk. Hihihi. So why heels? Mmm I got two new heels this month. One, Zara black ankle heels; birthday present from my sweet boyfriend. And two, black pumps from Zara (yeah again), got it from some random retail therapy (its sale season peopleeeee). I know it sounds perfect. Yes it is. I love those heels so much but the problem is I am absolutely not a heels person. I am more of a thong or flats kind of girl. I only wear heels to wedding reception hihihihihi. I'd love to start being a girly girl..... But how on earth I can do that?

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Today, im really tired of everything. Boyfriend problems, reading yang rupa-rupanya mendadak ngga jadi, jalanan macet jahanam, bengkel yang letaknya mepet neraka..... Buset jauh banget. Eh pas udah sampe codefin dari neraka, si anak yang janjian ama gue mendadak family time. Mmmmm, bagus, ngefet. Anyway, im really really trying to ignore them all. Its christmas anyway and its still December, my all time favorite month.

Japan Darling by heidy.trisiana
I constantly made set based on my mood, but now im trying to be positive instead of making another creepy set because of my bad day. Simply trying to captured happiness.

Merry Christmas people.. God Bless

Monday, December 22, 2008


Sometimes you just wanna scream & slap yourself by heidy.trisiana
Im still sick and to make it worst, my period is coming. Thanks good Lord.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Untitled by heidy.trisiana
Im sick and its almost three days :(

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Kids Point of View

After two days, I still cant believe i already hit twenty one. Sebenernya gue belom siap buat mikirin masa depan segitu intensif nya. Mikirin potensive problems yang kira-kira bakal gak kira-kira bikin gue jatoh bangun. I'm not ready yet. Rrrrrrrr please turn me back to the good old days hihihi. Btw, my birthday was quite fun. Its not as fun as last year though but I realize my desire to celebrate another birthday is start to turning off. Pengaruh umur kali yeee hahahaha. Malah dari kemaren gue masih korting umur ngaku-ngaku ulang taun ke dua puluh. I bought myself a present: a pink Sony CyberShot digital camera. I am really really proud of myself, bought something with my own money. I decided to bought it exactly on my birthday to made it even more special.

Warnanya menyenangkan ya?
Eh ngomong-ngomong hamster gue si gembrot Moo dan si galak Dee belagu banget deh, kan gue belom beli makanan buat mereka trus gue kasi toge (gosip-gosipnya hamster kan suka sayur tuh) eh cuma dimakan masing-masing 5 batang. Tadi pulang kuliah, El ngasih makanan hamster yang packaging nya aja udah sophisticated bgt (cie), pake dus trus heboh banget warna-warni kaya cereal. Pas gue liat, Made In Canada boooooook. Sampe rumah, gak pake taro tas dulu, buka sepatu, buka baju, copot beha (eh kok jadi porno gini), gue masukin aja tu makanan import. Eh lahap beneeeeeer. Mmmmm tikus aja banyak gaya. Besok ya gue posting foto hamster socialite gue. Malem ini capek ah. Lagi atit Heidy nya (jgn muntah).


I HAD FUN by heidy.trisiana
Wow wow wow. High school sweethearts are my forever love.


Thank you December, thank you 16th, thank you everyone for the sweetest greetings. I got two hamster from El: Moo and Dee.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Good Morning, Heidy!

L O V E by heidy.trisiana
Tomorrow is my birthday. I feel blessed and loved. Welcome another age.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Sunday and its supposed to be the day of being a 'couch potato'. Unfortunately, final assignment didnt let us be. The worst scenario really happened: went to college on Sunday, being there for like six hours, staring at books and notebook, but still not finished yet! Here's some random pictures taken by my macbook around 6.30pm. Me and my two closest friend, Panji & mostly, Alvin. We really didnt know what to do. Really.


Oh I love this cartoon! I loveeeeeeee Rhino. For me, its even better than Twilight. Umm, sorry girls.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Errr, pagi ini lagi-lagi kesiangan. Begitu sampe kampus, hal pertama yang gue lakukan bukannya lari terbirit-birit ke kelas tapi malah makan gado-gado porsi besar. Makan terburu-buru? ngga. Ngerasa bersalah? ngga juga. Aduhhh dosen 'taxation' gue setiap Jum'at pagi, amat sangat powerless. Nobody pays attention (well maybe except four girls who sit on the front). Everybody were busy with their own notebooks. And that lecture, he didn't care either! hahahaha. Bukti cuek bebek ketek bengek nya adalah gue dateng sangatttt terlambat. When we (me and my also late class mate, Panji) came in, he just move his head a little bit and saw us with his corner of his eyes and, in a less than a second, continue lecturing. Yang lebih tragis adalah waktu UTS mata kuliah ini kira-kira 2 bulan lalu, kita ujian sambil mepet-mepetan kaya di angkot. Sempit benerrr. Siku gue aja beradu ama siku Alvin, samping gue. Entah ini metode perangkap setan terbaru untuk menguji kejujuran anak kuliahan jaman sekarang atau.............?. Pity. Kalo bukan karna rekap absen, trust me, there will be only those four girls inside this Friday morning class. Here's an image of me and Panji. Taken around 11am. Trapped in the middle of whatsoever called study-less.

And, oh I made a new set. Two hours break time really boost my creativity. But I guess I'm just too excited reaching 21 it ends up with a lame title. Ugh. At least it's nicely done.

Next Tuesday I'm Turning 21 :) I Feel Powerful by heidy.trisiana

Last but not least,
Thank you boyfriend for the sweet treats today.
Thank God it's Friday.


IDK by heidy.trisiana
Ya. Oke. Hari ini? Pretty good. Ngomong-ngomong itu set diatas, gue bener-bener gak tau mood nya apa tiba-tiba rok kulit, trus tiba-tiba tshirt macan. Rawrrrrrrrr.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Golden Cage by Whitest Boy Alive

Maybe a little late, but I found this very interesting and delusional video clip. They came to Jakarta two weeks ago on an event called BeatFest. Eventhough I didn't attend the event (my conventional boyfriend didn't let me go huhu), I overheard people still talk about their great performances until now! And yes, indeed, after seeing this vclip, they're worth to talked about. Sniff.....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Bulan ini, semua orang di kampus gue lagi pada pusing kepala pontang-panting-banting-banting-makan-piring ngerjain final projects almost every mata kuliah. Termasuk gue, biarpun sebenernya effort gue ngga segitu pentingnya dalem kelompok hehehe gak ada gue pun mereka bisa tetep lancarrrrrr ngerjain. Oke mulai gak fun. Ganti topik ah. Mmmm Desember ya? Manis. This is my all-time-favorite-month from another eleven. Pertama, tanggal 16 adalah ulang taun gue dan papah (yes exactly on the same date and month!). Kedua, it's getting closer to another new year. Absolutely another new plan, another new age, another new problems waiting hahahaha and another big opportunities outside. Ketiga, christmas euphoria! oh i just love it love it love it i can't even tell. Fyi people, gue dua satu selasa depan. Iya bener dua puluh satu tahun.

After saw this guerilla artwork from Keri Smith, I decided to make a fun list.................

1. Nonton di bioskop sendirian. It's really nice to have some quality time alone with yourself. Don't buy anything except movie ticket and some snacks (maybe popcorn, maybe nachos, maybe soda, maybe heavy foods from outside then put it in your bag so the security guard won't notice lol).
2. Dvd marathon. Everything from trashy trashy 'The Hills' to another trashy trashy 'Paris's New BFF' hihihi. Episode by episode!
3. Polyvore(ing). Brief explanation: pleasing your eyes and killing your time.
4. Cook. My specialty? Fried spaghetti. Padahal hasil eksperimen yang awalnya sempet gagal karena terlalu ini dan itu. Well it contains TONS of butter, pepper, tiny meat balls, and cheeeeeeeese! You'll end up feeling good whole day!
5. Blogger browsing. It's interesting to see another blogger outside. In a blink of eyes, you can come into their lives and see through their eyes. For me, it gives lots of inspiration.
6. Flipping through old magazines. This huge obsession again........................
7. Tidy up my room. I love doing this. Re-order everything but still keep the messy mood. I hate being too polish.
8. Working out.


It's me and Mala appear as models in Indonesian Seventeen Magazine's fashion well; September edition (ih boleh dong sekali-sekali pamer dikit). The clothes are cutey and I end up buy those Forever21's tank. Great job Mba Acha. Oo and btw, my skin looks so much lighter here. Ck ck ck biar cantikan ya? hihihi

Models: Heidy & Mala
Stylist: Chacha (Mba Acha sayangggg)
Courtesy of Seventeen Magazine Ind


. by heidy.trisiana
Here's another set hehehe. Btw after days of late-night sleep and way-too-early wake up akhirnya hari ini bisa bangun siaaaang. Bukan, bukan karna gak ada kelas pagi. ADA. Tapi ya itu gak bisa bangun (lagi). Eh eh ada fakta menarik mmm gak semenarik itu sih sebenernya. Jadi ceritanya gue punya temen baru yang baik hati namanya Mba Acha, masa kemaren dia bilang buku influence udah dijual di Aksara PI.. Ih senengnyaaaaa. Maaci ya mba Acha atas infonya soalnya kan bentar lagi mau ulang taun jadi kalo ada orang nanya gue "dy mau kado apa?", gue gak usah klise jawab "apa aja", tapi sekarang bisa jawab "buku Influence karangan MKA dijual di Aksara PI harganya yaa kata mba Acha sekitar 400an mungkin. Patungan gih sama yang lain" (hehehe). Nah jelas kan? lebih detil. Mempersempit kebingungan at least hihihi. Oh another info, jadi gue lagi-lagi punya temen baru (cie supel) namanya Judith, she is sooooo talented. Young designer. And i'm in love with two pieces of her designs.


Brilian banget ya jaket sama small touch of batik. Another proof of east meet west equals cool. Well done honey!

Mmmm it's 00.15
Time to sleep

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I'm not very good waking up in the morning. Or should I say "I'm very very (again) very bad waking up in the morning"? clearly I am not a morning person. I almost skip, like, errrrrr, 10 morning classes in the last 2 months and it's getting even worse nowadays. And oh yeah, yesterday, I manipulated my faculty member for being late attending the class (I said that I have a car problem and I have to wait for the car engineer and bla bla bla). Bad Heidy..... Bad..

Keri Smith's The Guerilla Artist

I am absolutely stunned by this Keri Smith's art work. Simple yet disturbing :-)

Jobless Work

Sleepy Head by heidy.trisiana

This set came out after a series of late sleep.. I'm absolutely sleepy!

Heidy's by heidy.trisiana

And this? I have no idea which mood i'm into. Maybe colors?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama's Lover Committed Suicide

Bloody by heidy.trisiana


Kombinasi makanan "cantik" di hari Sabtu - Minggu udah gue tutup dengan sangat manis. Hihihihi. Junk food marathon weekend ini harus ber hen ti. Untung si mama ngajak makan sushi. Kalo ngga, jelas terigu halus mie instan bakal meluncur dengan cantik di kerongkongan gue (lagi). Bye bye mie instan, bye bye italian food and friends. I'll see you next weekend!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Inside My Bag

Inside My School Bag and How I Rock College by heidy.trisiana

Sat + Sun + PMS Equals Junk Food

My period is coming. Bubbly stomach. Yuck. But it doesn't stop me from eating though.. Let's analyze:
Skip breakfast

Went to movie with my boyfriend. Eat this over movie,


and THIS! (at least we share)

Brunch (Korean Instant Noodle with Egg)

Gila! Kombinasi yang "cantik" ya. Sampah semua... Hihihihihi

Saturday, November 22, 2008

SAT, 00:40 AM

REBELLIOUS by heidy.trisiana

I'm starving and this is all i can do

Friday, November 21, 2008

Go Grab This Book

Inside MKA's book called "Influence"
Unfortunately, disini belom keluar. Jangan aja sampe diterjemahin ke bahasa Indonesia. Alamat geli hehehehe.
Source of this sneak peak: Olsen-Fashion

Polyvore Makes Me Sick

It's kinda like new obsession..
He're some of my sets!

Musician by heidy.trisiana

Girl At Heart by heidy.trisiana

Fashion Editor by heidy.trisiana

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Newbie To My Rack

FRANKIE MAGAZINE - An Australian magazine that is as smart, sarcastic, friendly, cute, rude, arty, curious and caring as you are

Fancy Earrings